Spark of Life
by Ellen Pepper
There's something magical about the human condition.
We are born. Most of us don't remember being born and yet, here we are.
We start breathing on our own but remain helpless for quite a while afterward.
We are not able to walk or talk or feed and clean ourselves. Somehow, we survive.
Time passes and many of us, in certain parts of the world, follow a set pattern in living: attend school, find employment, become involved in partnerships, and become parents. Not all of us follow that blueprint, though. Some are lucky enough to break away from societal norms to lead a somewhat more free life. This can be hazardous if one wants to live in comfort and ease. Walking away from the set program comes with the risk of being an outcast - not many can face that grim reality. Some, on the other hand, relish not being stuck in a prison of expectations.
Time passes, shit happens and we grow old. Then, inevitably, our bodies die and we're gone.
Children learn pretty early on that, not only do people and animals die, but they will cease to exist at some point. To a young mind, death is inconceivable until loved ones and pets vanish from their lives, never to return. Some question the reason for this. As time goes on, they ponder the point of even participating in a life that will end - at which time they'll find themselves back in the non-place they were before they were born... that they can't even remember.
As far as we know, or are taught, our spark of life began when a sperm met an ovum and they hit it off, creating what would be us in less than a year. After that, the "adventure" begins.
Out of every 24 hours, we must stop what we're doing and become unconscious. If we fail to do this for too many days, we tend to become psychotic. Meanwhile, when we're "asleep" our minds create dreamscapes that may or may not be a product of our own mind but could be spiritual in origin...or just the effects of postprandial digestion.
During life, there are those who hold fast to a religion. Religions being created by power-hungry humans in order to control other, more gullible humans. Religions that cause people to exterminate others who don't share the same religious beliefs, all in the name of their "God", who, realistically - having created this vast Universe - has little time to give a toss about what people on this planet are doing in "His/Her/Its" name.
Death. Now that's always an unexpected kick in the ass. We claim to comprehend that our time here is finite, but, really, who ever believes that they will die? Sure, health enthusiasts do everything in their power to stay alive, or at least live longer - what with gulping down vitamins and following a healthy diet, but without taking into account the possibility of a Mack truck smashing into them, or myocardial infarction, or plague, or their Segway falling off a cliff - sending them into Eternity before their time.
Here we are, nurturing our own precious spark of life, even though it will be snuffed out, with our little lives passing unnoticed by those who come after us shielding their own spark of life against the harsh winds of actual living.
It seems to go on for so long, but, in reality - looking at the eons of time already passed - it lasts just as long as a spark from a matchstick.
Enjoy yourself and take shelter from the storm.
It’s later than you think.
©Ellen Pepper 2023
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