Wednesday, 19 April 2023

RIP, my dearest friends

 Someone is killing the feral barn cats with poison. Obviously, it's being done by clueless folk who have moved here to escape the city. What they don't realize is that the feral cats are essential to keep down the rat population.

Last year, a tiny, rambunctious kitten named Gollum came home from exploring and dropped dead near the feeding area.

Before he was taken away for burial, all of the other cats touched him with a paw, one at a time, to say goodbye. That fluffball of sweetness was loved by all, except his murderer.

Yesterday, a turkey vulture was seen feasting on one of our ferals who died in the bean field on his way home from wherever he was poisoned. After devouring his corpse, that vulture will likely die also.

Earlier this week, another cat was found dead in the same field. Feral cats don't have long lives, it's the nature of the beast - Nature does its thing. It doesn't help that they're also smashed into by transport trucks racing down the nearby 2 lane road. If they're able to, they try to cross through the ditch to get to the house for medical aid, but most don't make it that far. Their broken bodies are found on the front lawn. 

In the deep freeze of winter, the grey cat named Velvet was found frozen to death - she hadn't made it to shelter in time. She had needed treatment in the summer for a severe eye infection.

Last year, my beloved Harry went on walkabout and never returned.

Shortly after giving birth, Blackie brought one of her kittens to the door because it was ailing. It had a hole in its chest and didn't survive. She mourned him for weeks and neglected its sibling. Another cat mum took on the care and feeding of him. His name is Silky, because his fur feels like cashmere.

The cats in this yard don't kill birds. They're good hunters, but only when it comes to vermin.

They have warm shelters, food and fresh water every day. They are cared for and cherished.

The lost little ones will not be forgotten.

RIP, my friends.



©Ellen Pepper 2023

Monday, 17 April 2023



She and He are sitting together on a long olive green sofa in their apartment.
It's late afternoon. August.

She: Do you love me?

He: Oh, here we go. Typical woman. Are you in the mood for a fight? Is it that time of the month?


He: Why do you ask?

She: Because I have no idea how you feel about me.
We've been together for a while but you've never said that you love me.

He: If I loved you, I'd say so. Since I haven't said so, maybe I don't love you.
Does it matter?

She turns her head to look at the sunlight shining on a window across the road.
He looks down at his phone.

She: Why are we living together if you don't love me?


He sighs: Must we discuss this now?

She: Please.

He: Look, we're just roommates. Roommates don't have to love each other, they just have to get along and clean up after themselves.

She: Do most roommates sleep together? Have sex with each other? Visit each others families at holidays?

He: This is not a good time to talk about this.

She: It's essential that we talk about it.

He: Why is that? Really? What do you hope to achieve by cross-examining me?

She turns her head to look at him.


He: Well?! What do you want from me? Have I ever promised you anything? Have I led you on?
I don't need you to love me. It's just not that important.

(Silence. She leans forward to pour herself some tea. The sun gleams on her hair.)

He: I really don't like your attitude. We were having a pleasant Sunday afternoon and you have made it fraught with emotion, as usual. I don't need this in my life.

She: No, you don't need me in your life.

He: That's true. My life is stressful enough without you having some kind of breakdown because of your feelings. I need some peace and quiet and it doesn't look like I'll find it with you.


She: You're right, of course. I hadn't realized that you think this way.
Since you clearly despise me, you should pack up and leave.

By the way, did you kill Elsie? You loathed that cat, and then she disappeared.

He: (getting up and crossing to the window) I have no idea what you're talking about. You must have let her out when you went to work.

She: I see.


He: I mean, if she had jumped out the window, she would have landed on her feet and run away. That's what cats do - they always land on their feet.

She: We're 10 floors above the ground.The ledge is too narrow for her to jump from.

He: That's because she was too fat. You fed her too much.


She: I'd appreciate it very much if you could leave; immediately, if possible. Arrange for someone else to pick up your things.

He: I'll leave when I'm good and ready. It make take me a few months to find a place that I like.

She: No, on the contrary, you will leave immediately. Go. Now.

He turns toward her with contempt etched on his face.

He: I will not be ordered around by the likes of you.

She picks up her phone and presses a button.

She: Dad? Can you and the boys come and convince this man to pack his things and leave here right now? All you need is a van because he doesn't have much furniture.
 An hour? Thank you. I'll wait at my door.


He: Please, baby, don't send me away. If I was the kind of man to say I love you, I'd say it, but I just can't.
Don't just toss me out into the street like this. I'll be good. I'll start doing chores and tidy up after myself. I guess that shit matters to you.

 I don't know what I'll do without you, babe. You know I can't live without a woman. If you dump me, I'll have to find another woman right away. You don't want that, do you?

Look, I'll let you go out with your girlfriends once a month. That's if you have any friends left. hahaha

She: You killed Elsie, didn't you?

He: Look, it was an accident, I opened the window and walked away to get coffee and she just jumped right out. It's not my fault.

She walks to the door, opens it, and tells him to grab his things and wait in the hallway for her father and brothers to arrive.

He collects his clothes in garbage bags, and grabs some furniture, and puts it all in the hallway, grumbling and pleading all the while.

Dad and her brothers arrive and start loading the elevator.

Dad: Time to go, buddy.

He: Ha ha ha. Women eh? Always on the rag about something. She was never good enough for me anyway - I prefer classy women.

Dad: She's sensible - if she wants you gone, you must deserve to be gone.

She: He killed Elsie, Dad. He admitted it.

Dad: Well now, that's bad luck for you, my dude. People who kill cats eventually kill people. It's murder. Murder is a sin. The wages of sin is death. Says so in the Bible.

She starts to close her apartment door.

Dad: Honey, I'll call to tell you when we're done taking care of this business.


Entering the elevator to leave...

He: So where are you guys taking me? I have no place to go.

Dad: Don't worry about it. We're going to take you somewhere quiet where you can rest in peace.

The elevator door closes.

The van with his body and personal belongings won't be found until the lake dries up in 50 years or so.


© Ellen Pepper 2023


CENTER OF ATTENTION by Ellen Pepper Fred was a well-known and lauded member of the acting profession. Fellow thespians were in awe of his ab...